HomeOur PracticeBlogPlastic Surgery Tips & GuidesHow To Beat The Holiday Bulge

How To Beat The Holiday Bulge

Plastic Surgery in Nashville, TNThe holidays are here and most Americans pack on a few extra pounds over the next month or so!  One thing to keep in mind is don’t try to diet during the holidays just try to maintain your weight.  Here are some helpful tips to for you to “Beat the Holiday Bulge”.

Tip #1. Do not skip breakfast!  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it provides energy for your body.  If you don’t already eat breakfast, then start!

Tip #2.  No skipping meals. Always eat normally on the day of a party. People who skip meals to save up calories tend to overeat everything in sight once they get there.  Eating sensibly, starting with a nourishing breakfast, have a light lunch, then a small snack or salad shortly before the event.

Tip #3.  Be a food snob. If you don’t love it, don’t eat it!  Remember, it’s not your responsibility to sample everything on the table.  Scan the table of foods you truly treasure and skip the everyday dishes that are available all year long.  Go ahead and indulge in your personal holiday favorites, then find a seat and, slowly and mindfully, savor every mouthful.  Don’t be afraid to hide the leftover food or foods you don’t love under the napkin and throw away.

Tip #4.  Chew gum. When you don’t want to eat, pop a piece of sugarless gum into your mouth.

Tip #5.  Drink Lots of Water. You’ve probably heard it before, but this is one diet-friendly adage that’s tried and true, so start hydrating. Drinking two cups of water before eating a meal can help you lose weight. The water helps you feel full sooner, so you eat less!