HomeOur PracticeBlogPlastic Surgery Tips & GuidesLabiaplasty: Do I need this?

Labiaplasty: Do I need this?

Labiaplasty or labia reduction is a cosmetic procedure performed to correct excess skin and tissue to labia minora.  Though it is normal and natural for some women to have excess skin and tissue to this area, these women can tend to feel self-conscious in bathing suits and yoga pants.  Excess labia minora can cause discomfort with intercourse or riding a bicycle. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, labiaplasty is increasing in popularity each year.  Over 12,000 labiaplasty procedures were performed last year by members of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

Labiaplasty usually requires pain medication for a few days, but then usually subsides after that time.  Despite it being a very sensitive area, patients do well with regards to pain afterwards. Following labiaplasty patients are required to keep Neosporin ointment to the incisions as well as wear a panty liner for the first few days after surgery. Bruising and swelling to this area usually resolves within the first week following labiaplasty.

Are the scars visible after a labiaplasty?Labiaplasty in Nashville, TN

Dissolvable stitches are used to close the incisions.  The scar naturally blends into the labia minora which has folds and wrinkles for this to be easily concealed.  

How soon after a labiaplasty can I return to working out and physical activity?

Patients can return to physical activity after 3 weeks as well as any physical activity can be resumed at that time.

How much does a labiaplasty cost?

The cost ranges from $3500-$4500.  The exact cost will be given at the time of your consult.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and Mayo trained, Dr. Chad Robbins has helped hundreds of women feel better about themselves following labiaplasty surgery.  Call today to schedule your consultation to see if labiaplasty is right for you! It is never too late…… Check out Dr. Robbins incredible before and after pictures at https://www.robbinsplasticsurgery.com/