HomeOur PracticeBlogPlastic Surgery Tips & GuidesRe-think Your New Year’s Resolution – Take Care Of You!

Re-think Your New Year’s Resolution – Take Care Of You!

New Year’s Eve is often thought of as a time of rebirth or rejuvenation, the chance to start anew. We all come up with the typical resolutions for the upcoming year (losing weight, exercise more, make a budget), but often our ideas fizzle out by March. Maybe it’s time to make some life changes that might be more adaptable and have you feeling like a new person!

Plastic Surgery in Nashville, TN

Sleep, wake up, work. And repeat. That’s a daily grind that will have you burning out the next time your alarm goes off. There’s more to life than work! Here are some helpful ways to make your New Year’s Resolution turn you in to a new YOU!

  1. Wake up slowly.

Starting the day off with your cell phone or lap top reading emails often sets a negative tone for the day and truthfully most issues can wait. Take 30 to 45 minutes to wake up slowly and shower before checking email.

  1. Start your day off with meditation.

Start every morning with a short 5–10-minute meditation. The meditations can help visualize the things you are most grateful for and allows you to minimize negativity and distractions. Early morning meditation increases self-awareness and helps put into perspective what really matters.

  1. Exercise-try yoga.

Aside from obvious health benefits, working out clears the mind. Try to develop an exercise routine and remember 2 days is better than none. If you’ve never tried yoga you are missing out! It’s the only place your phone is completely off and your mind is focused on you only—no clients, employees or projects. It’s the easiest way to reset your mind and body in 60 minutes.

  1. Set specific time slots when you don’t work.

Focusing on work is a great excuse for not taking care of you. Set specific time slots for no-work and instead spend time on family and you. These slots can be first thing in the morning (before 8 a.m.) and dinnertime (5 to 8 p.m.). Other family members will benefit from your no-work schedule too.

  1. Keep a journal.

Life is very busy and journaling is a way to help you remember. Make it simple, bullet point things you did, people you met, how you felt, etc. It’s a great outlet to help you be present, remember the little moments and sort out challenges in both your personal and professional life.

  1. Talk to friends and family.

Your friends and family are your biggest supporters. Even if you are having a very stressful and busy day, pick up the phone for a few minutes just to say hi to Mom or your best friend, and talk about the good things that are happening in their lives. It will keep you grounded.

  1. Make time for play.

Everyone needs some play time! Doing something that brings laughter and joy is the best way to nurture you.

  1. Unplug from Social Media

Today’s world is attached to their smart phones; laptops etc…but with that attachment come stress! Give yourself a break from social media and work on your relationships and communication skills. Make time each day to unplug.

  1. Read something fictional.

Refresh your mind by taking an afternoon break from your workflow and escaping to another world. Reading fictional stories stimulates the right side of your brain, sparking creative thought. That stimulation can make your day go a little smoother by thinking differently and most importantly rejuvenating your soul.

       10. Get enough ZZZs.

The scientific benefits of sleep are innumerable. More sleep equates to more happiness, better health and improved decision-making. Not to mention that it detoxes the brain.