HomeOur PracticeBlogPlastic Surgery Tips & GuidesSpring Time is the Perfect Time for Plastic Surgery

Spring Time is the Perfect Time for Plastic Surgery

Spring time is the ideal time to sculpt your body with plastic surgery!

Plastic Surgeon in Nashville, TN

Dr. Chad Robbins from Nashville, TN says “spring is a very busy time of the year for those who are thinking about their summer bodies.”

He suggests that those who want to slim and tone their bodies “should consider a healthy diet plan, liposuction and or a tummy tuck.

Many of those who are eating right and (sticking to their new year’s resolutions) are exercising regularly, may be bothered by some minor imperfections.  Addressing these concerns now with cosmetic surgery allows adequate recovery time so that you can have your body in shape for summer.

Although many people who have plastic surgery may return to their normal routine in 7-10 days but it can take up to 2 months for swelling and bruising to subside,” Dr. Robbins says.  “So for those who want to look great in their swimsuit by summer, spring is the ideal time for surgery.”

Body contouring procedures are intended to help refine specific areas of the body that do not respond to diet and exercises.  Dr. Robbins says, “plastic surgery is not a ‘quick-fix’ weight loss tool” and should be thoroughly discussed at your consultation visit.

Some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for spring include liposuction, tummy tuck and breast augmentation.  For people who have lost a substantial amount of weight, Dr. Robbins suggests considering procedures such as arm lift and a thigh lift.

When people start thinking about warmer weather and wearing their bathing suits, they want to feel confident in the way they look.  For many, plastic surgery is the perfect way to improve their body and self-image.

To learn more about plastic surgery and the surgeries you may be considering, please call 615-237-5552 for your consultation appointment.