HomeOur PracticeBlogPlastic Surgery Tips & GuidesThe Mommy Makeover – A Plastic Surgery Combo

The Mommy Makeover – A Plastic Surgery Combo

The joys of motherhood can be very challenging at times.  You spend most of the day feeding and cleaning up after your little ones and yet you still have to find time to exercise.  Working hard to get rid of those extra pounds you put on during pregnancy is not easy but sometimes no matter how hard you work, you just can’t get rid of all the loose skin on your tummy.  Pregnancy defiantly takes a toll on your abdominal muscles and skin as well as the post nursing effects on your not so perking boobs anymore!

Oh to be young again…well maybe not 18 but having your pre-pregnancy body back sure would be great!

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of plastic surgery procedures done to help you get your pre-baby body back. It can include a mix of tummy tuck (to remove loose skin and regain firmness) and breast enhancement (which can include breast lift and/or breast augmentation).

Combining the 2 surgeries is cost efficient, saving on anesthesia and OR fees and the recovery time is no longer (10-14 days).

If you would like more information or a consultation with Dr. Robbins, please contact our office for an appointment or attend our Mommy Makeover Open House event next month, September 17, 5:30-7:30.  Dr. Robbins will be giving a presentation on the 2 surgeries and we will have drawings and giveaways for those who attend!

Hope to see you there!