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Wedding Day Ready!

Plastic Surgery in Nashville, TN


More and more brides and grooms are getting nips and tucks before their wedding day.

Since they have already won the heart of their future husband or wife, cosmetic surgery before the wedding is something they have been thinking about for a long time. On one of the biggest days ever, they want to look and feel their best and improve their self-esteem.

Many people are concerned about how they look in pictures and realizing that these portraits will become family heirlooms, they are adding cosmetic surgery to their wedding budgets.

Here’s a list of some of the most popular procedures that are being considered and the average time prior to that big day the procedure should be done.


Injectables and Fillers

Let’s face it; no one wants wrinkles or frown lines EVER! Whether you are considering Botox to diminish those 11’s in the middle of your brows or facial fillers such as Juvederm or Voluma to plump up those cheeks or lips, allow 2-3 weeks for healing. Swelling and bruising can occur and you may need a touch up before the wedding day.



Dieting and exercise starts soon after the engagement for the anxious bride to be but sometimes those stubborn areas of fat still remain. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures chosen before the wedding day. Areas such as abdomen, hips, back, thighs, knees, calves, upper arms and necks are requested and should be done 1 month prior to the wedding. Soreness and bruising may occur. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Chad Robbins, Nashville’s Best Nip and Tuck Doctor, to see if you are a good candidate for liposuction.


Body Contouring

If you have lost a lot of weight and have excessive skin or sagging skin, you may need a tummy tuck or a body lift. And for the sagging arm fat that keeps waving when you have stopped…. an arm lift to remove excess fat and skin from your arms will allow for you to wear that sleeveless wedding dress you’ve always dreamed of! Ideally, this should be done several months in advanced so you can have the finale dress fitting after healing and swelling has gone.


Breast Augmentation

Breast Implants are popular among brides. Probably they have been thinking of this for years and after trying on a couple wedding dresses, they are now convinced and ready! Breast surgery should be done 6-8 weeks prior to the wedding day for swelling.


Skin Care

Skin care is something that should begin immediately! If you are considering a facial you may want to talk with your aesthetician about a series of them. Most likely a chemical peel will be recommended to give you that natural glow back on your face. Chemical peels help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and pigmentation. Chemical peels should be done 2 weeks prior to your wedding day to allow the shedding of old skin and redness to calm down.

Your skin tells a story, so why wait until later in life to start caring for it. Nurture it with the right skin care products and always wear sunscreen. The benefits will last for many years!

At Robbins Plastic Surgery, we offer FREE skin care consultations. Call today to make your appointment 615-237-5552