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Textured Implants and BI-ALCL (Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma)-Tell Me More

Breast Augmentation in Nashville, TN

There has been a lot of buzz in the news lately regarding textured implants and Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma or ALCL or Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).  So, let’s talk through the facts to understand what ALCL is and how it is related to textured implants.

Textured ImplantsALCL is a form of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma which is a cancer of the cells of the immune system.  It is not a type of breast cancer.  It is extremely rare and a treatable when detected.  The national statistics associated with textured breast implants and ALCL is 1 in 80,000 women.  As of November 2018, there were 626 cases reported of breast implanted associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma worldwide.  There are between 5-10 million women who have had implants placed worldwide.  When ALCL is detected early it is curable.  So, the question then is what are the signs and symptoms so that you can identify ALCL early?  Below are the signs and symptoms of ALCL related to textured implants:

It usually appears as swelling of the breast caused by fluid surrounding the implant and this usually occurs at least 1 year after surgery.  Pain may be associated with rash, lumps or asymmetry of the breasts.

So, what do you do if you experience these symptoms?  Call your plastic surgeon and typically treatment is removal of textured implants and replacing them with smooth silicone implants.  As always it is best to talk to your board-certified plastic surgeon regarding breast implant associated ALCL.

Despite all the buzz about ALCL and textured implants, silicone implants are safe, and FDA approved for breast augmentation.  The FDA has not made any recommendations to change your medical care or follow up nor do they recommend having them removed. You should contact your plastic surgeon right away if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned earlier.  The earlier BI-ALCL is caught the better.

Is there a link between silicone gel breast implants and other illnesses?  Scientific studies have not shown any relation to illness caused by gel implants outside of BI-ALCL, even conditions like autoimmune disorders or breast cancer.

Deciding whether to have breast augmentation is a big decision that requires knowing all the risks.  Dr. Chad Robbins is a Mayo trained and board-certified plastic surgeon in Nashville, TN.  To learn more about BI-ALCL or if breast augmentation is right for you, call us today at (615) 401-9454 or check us out online at

The Truth About a Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck, abdominoplasty in Nashville TN

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck as 5 of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed each year. An abdominoplasty is also known as a tummy tuck reshapes and flattens the abdominal area. A tummy tuck also removes excess skin and fat as well as tightening of abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles can stretch during pregnancies and do not come back together unless they are surgically brought back together. The results will give you a flatter and more contoured shape following an abdominoplasty.

The scar for a tummy tuck is typically low and hidden in bathing suits and underwear. Stitches are dissolvable, so there are no stitches to remove from the incision. With a tummy tuck, the pubic area fullness is reduced as well as lifted. The belly button scar is concealed inside the belly button so there are no visible scars on the outside that would be visible at the beach or pool. Liposuction is included with an abdominoplasty to the love handle or flank areas. This achieves a more defined and better contour to the abdominal and flank area.

Tummy tuck, abdominoplasty in Nashville TN

You may resume full physical activities following an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck 3 weeks after surgery. Which means you can be back to running, jogging, yoga and taking care of your children after 3 weeks!

It is best to wait until after you are finished having children and/or have achieved your goal weight before proceeding with an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. This will allow you to achieve your optimal results.

Dr. Chad Robbins is a Mayo trained and board-certified plastic surgeon in Nashville, TN. Check out Dr. Chad Robbins amazing before and after results of an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck at .  Dr.  Chad Robbins was voted the best Nip and Tuck Surgeon in Nashville and he can help you achieve your desired results. Call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Chad Robbins at (615) 401-9454 to determine if a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is right for you!

Do I Really Need a Lift?

Breast Lift in Nashville, TN

A mastopexy or the more commonly used term is a breast lift, is performed to improve the appearance of breasts. Today there is so much talk of breast augmentation that many think that this is the only way to enhance your breasts. However, you can enhance the volume of your breasts with a breast augmentation, reverse sagging with a breast lift or mastopexy or have an augmentation/implants placed as well as a breast lift at the same time.

Breast Lift in Nashville, TN

A mastopexy or breast lift can sound a little scary at first especially when most are apprehensive about scars.  A breast augmentation or placement of implants does not address sagging breasts that can occur after pregnancy, nursing, weight fluctuations, and gravity can all play a part in sagging of the breasts. A breast lift addresses sagging, droopy and at times can address asymmetries by rearranging natural breast tissue to give a more youthful appearance. A breast lift doesn’t give more fullness to the breasts, however adding a breast implant can help add fullness.

There are a couple of different ways a breast lift can be performed. One technique is by making an incision around the areola, as known as a peri areolar lift and lifting the areola to a more youthful appearance. This is only possible if a women’s breasts are only a little bit droopy. A breast implant can be placed at the same time as a peri areolar lift. Incisions are concealed along the edge of the areola.

Another technique is what’s called a wise pattern mastopexy. This is required when breasts are saggy and droopy. By using this technique of a wise pattern technique breasts are perkier and more youthful in appearance.

Dr. Chad Robbins, a board certified and Mayo trained plastic surgeon can help you determine a breast lift is right for you. Check out Dr. Chad Robbin’s amazing before and after results at his website at At Robbins plastic surgery we strive to provide excellent care in a friendly atmosphere where confidence is beautiful!  Call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Chad Robbins before it’s too late.

Everything You Need to Know Before a Mommy Makeover

Plastic Surgery in Nashville, TN

Mommy Makeover in Nashville, TNAs a mom you always put the needs of your children and others before yourself.  We all know that taking care of ourselves is the best way to take better care of the people around us.  At Robbins Plastic Surgery we strive to help you look and feel your best with a mommy makeover. Here are a few tips to help you in this journey and making the right decision if a mommy makeover is right for you.

1. Always make sure you are seeing a board-certified plastic surgeon. Ask to see before and after pictures of other women who have had a mommy makeover.  Reviewing these pictures will help give you’re an idea of your after results.

2. Maintaining your weight prior to your mommy makeover. By reaching your target goal weight as well maintaining this weight will give you an ideal outcome of you results after a mommy makeover.

3. By meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon, they make recommendations of a combination of breast augmentation and a tummy tuck, a breast augmentation with lift as well as a tummy tuck. Your surgeon may recommend a labiaplasty or sometimes a lower body lift or butt augmentation.  These are individualized and customized to fit each patient’s individual needs.

4. Plan for a mommy makeover once you are done having children. This will allow you to have optimal results.  Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have significant changes to the body.  We do recommend waiting at least 6 months after having your last child before proceeding with your mommy makeover.

5. You will need help with kids and housework following a mommy makeover initially. Also, if you work outside the home you will need to take time off work following surgery.  The exact time off will be discussed with Chad Robbins at your consultation depending on type of work the individual performs.

At Robbins Plastic Surgery, we are here to help you through the journey of surgery.  Our skilled RNs as well as physician will spend time preparing you and your family for your upcoming surgery. Check out Dr. Chad Robbins amazing before and after results!  Call today to schedule your consultation with Robbins Plastic Surgery to find out if a mommy makeover is right for you!  Click here to contact us today.

Breast Augmentation: Now is the Time!

Breast Augmentation in Nashville, TN
Breast Augmentation in Nashville, TN
Beautiful woman with a cheerful expression measuring her breast size

Spring is upon us.  It’s hard to believe with these frigid temperatures that we could even been dreaming about warm weather and trips to the beach.  However, now is the time to be thinking about breast augmentation and getting bathing suit ready.  At Robbins Plastic Surgery we strive to provide excellent care and results to our patients.  Breast augmentation can increase volume, correct asymmetries, improve cleavage as well as self confidence.  Breast augmentation surgery requires minimal downtime.  At Robbins Plastic Surgery we spend time talking with patients as well as use a sizing system to help patients determine the look they want.  Dr. Chad Robbins uses the latest and most advance technology when it comes to breast augmentation.  Dr. Chad Robbins tailors each look that fits the individual needs and desires to achieve outstanding results.

Breast implants are composed of either silicone or saline.  These are safe and FDA approved breast implants.  The unique benefits of each implant are discussed in detail at your consultation with Dr. Chad Robbins.

It is always important when interviewing your plastic surgeon to see before and after pictures of their work.  Ask to speak with other patients who have had similar surgery and ask about their experience with the plastic surgeon, their staff as well as if their outcome met their expectations.  It is helpful to bring pictures to your visit to show your plastic surgeon what exactly you are looking for in your results.

At Robbins Plastic Surgery we strive to provide excellent care and results to each of our patients.  Board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Chad Robbins, was voted Nashville’s best Nip and Tuck Doctor by the Nashville Scene!  Come see us at our new Nashville location to see why we were voted Nashville’s best.  Call (615) 401-9454 today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Chad Robbins.  We promise you won’t be disappointed.

Nashville’s Best Nip and Tuck Doctor

MedSpa in Nashville, TN

With over 100 people moving to Nashville each day, it’s no surprise we need a magazine to keep us up to date the latest and greatest happenings. Each year the Nashville Scene polls their readers to find out what the best places to grab a drink, bloggers to follow, bands, restaurants, events, and even who the best plastic surgeons are in Music City!  Dr. Chad Robbins was voted the ‘Best Nip and Tuck’ doctor by the Nashville Scene for 2018!  Whoo hoo! Dr. Chad Robbins is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Nashville.  He trained at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.  

Robbins Plastic SurgeryDr. Chad Robbins specializes in abdominoplasty or tummy tuck, breast augmentation, mommy makeover, rhinoplasty, facelift, upper and lower eyelid surgery and much much more! Check out Dr. Chad Robbins amazing before and after gallery.  Robbins Plastic Surgery office is conveniently located in the heart of Nashville at 503 Spruce Street.

Thank you to all our amazing patients for all their support through the years and for voting Dr. Chad Robbins the ‘Best Nip and Tuck’ doctor by the Nashville Scene for 2018!  We believe we have the BEST patients in Nashville, Tennessee! One visit with Dr. Chad Robbins and you’ll see why he was voted Nashville’s best and where confidence is beautiful.  To schedule a consultation with Nashville’s Best, call (615) 237-5552 or contact us today at!


Labiaplasty: Do I need this?

Labiaplasty or labia reduction is a cosmetic procedure performed to correct excess skin and tissue to labia minora.  Though it is normal and natural for some women to have excess skin and tissue to this area, these women can tend to feel self-conscious in bathing suits and yoga pants.  Excess labia minora can cause discomfort with intercourse or riding a bicycle. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, labiaplasty is increasing in popularity each year.  Over 12,000 labiaplasty procedures were performed last year by members of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

Labiaplasty usually requires pain medication for a few days, but then usually subsides after that time.  Despite it being a very sensitive area, patients do well with regards to pain afterwards. Following labiaplasty patients are required to keep Neosporin ointment to the incisions as well as wear a panty liner for the first few days after surgery. Bruising and swelling to this area usually resolves within the first week following labiaplasty.

Are the scars visible after a labiaplasty?Labiaplasty in Nashville, TN

Dissolvable stitches are used to close the incisions.  The scar naturally blends into the labia minora which has folds and wrinkles for this to be easily concealed.  

How soon after a labiaplasty can I return to working out and physical activity?

Patients can return to physical activity after 3 weeks as well as any physical activity can be resumed at that time.

How much does a labiaplasty cost?

The cost ranges from $3500-$4500.  The exact cost will be given at the time of your consult.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and Mayo trained, Dr. Chad Robbins has helped hundreds of women feel better about themselves following labiaplasty surgery.  Call today to schedule your consultation to see if labiaplasty is right for you! It is never too late…… Check out Dr. Robbins incredible before and after pictures at

Let’s Talk About the Nose (Rhinoplasty)

A rhinoplasty or “nose job” gives patients a more desirable nose through correcting asymmetry as well as proportion. Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure meaning patients go home the same day as their procedure.

Rhinoplasty in Nashvilee, TN

How do I know how to choose the right doctor to perform a rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery should always be performed by a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon.  Be sure to choose a physician that understands your goals in moving forward with rhinoplasty surgery. Always ask to view before and after pictures of the physician’s rhinoplasty surgeries he has performed. Ask your physician to speak with previous patients that have had rhinoplasty to discuss their experience and if their desired outcome was achieved.

What does recovery like after rhinoplasty?

A flesh colored splint will be placed on the outside of the nose and this will remain in place for 1 week. The splint is placed to support and protect the nose for the first week following rhinoplasty surgery.  Swelling and bruising may occur after rhinoplasty, however, this does subside after 1 week. You will not be allowed to get the splint wet for the first week but may after the splint has been removed.

Will I have any pain after a rhinoplasty?

Patients do not usually experience much pain following a rhinoplasty.  

When can I return to working out after a rhinoplasty?

You can return to working out and any strenuous activity 3 weeks after your rhinoplasty. So that means after 3 weeks you will not have any restrictions and can go about life as you like!

How much does it cost?

Rhinoplasty cost ranges from approximately $7,000-$9,000.  An exact quote can be give to you at the time of your consult.

Dr. Chad Robbins has helped hundreds of patients achieve their desired rhinoplasty outcome.   The desired outcomes are tailored to fit each individual patient’s facial structure.  Be sure to check out our amazing before and after rhinoplasty pictures!  Call today to schedule a consultation and don’t want any longer to have the nose you’ve always dreamed of!


Join us for the biggest fall event yet! It’s that time of year again.  The kids are back to school and it’s time to start thinking about yourself.  

Open House, Specials, Dr. Robbins, Robbins Plastic Surgery, Nashville, TXHave you been thinking you wanted your breast to be a little perkier or your tummy a little flatter?  We’ve got a night for you! Robbins Plastic Surgery is hosting an Open House Event on September 13, 2018 from 5pm-7pm at our  office located at 2201 Murphy Avenue, Suite 407, Nashville, TN 37203. We will be hosting Stella and Dot jewelry the evening of the event!  Wow, what more could a girl ask for?  


Dr. Chad Robbins will be discussing breast augmentation, tummy tuck, mommy makeover and all things Plastic Surgery the evening of the event.  At the event if you book surgery with Dr. Chad Robbins, we will offer 15% off your fees.  This is an incredible deal that only comes around once a year! Not only will there be discounts on surgery, but we will have some amazing deals on skincare products, filler, Botox®, VI Peel® and more!  At the event there will be a raffle for FREE filler, that’s right you heard me, FREE VI Peel®, FREE Stella and Dot jewelry and much, much more! Bring a girlfriend or two and each of you will receive a goodie bag, valued at $200 and we’ll also give you a $50 gift card to the Medspa! Who wouldn’t want to grab some girlfriends, shop, talk plastic surgery all while enjoying some delicious food and wine?  Don’t miss this exciting night! Call us today at (615) 401-9454 or email us at Space is limited, so reach out today!


Summer Confidence: The Truth Behind a Tummy Tuck

It’s that time of year where kids are out of school and summer has begun!  Feeling confident at the pool and beach can be a daunting task as we try and conceal unwanted fat and the tummy bulge.  Or maybe you just want to reach that pre-pregnancy weight or get rid of the excess skin and fat that doesn’t seem to go away with diet or exercise.  An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck is a surgery performed in the hospital but does allow you to go home the very same day.  During an abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) the abdominal muscles are tightened and the excess skin and fat to the tummy are removed.  Liposuction is included with an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck so that patients can achieve the best body contouring results. Oral pain medication as well as pain pump are provided for post operative discomfort.  Check out Dr. Chad Robbins, a Mayo trained surgeon, and his amazing before and after results of a tummy tuck!

Where are the scars for an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck?

tummy tuck, abdominoplasty, tummy tuck blog, robbins plastic surgery, nashville, tn

The scars for this surgery are very low and are always concealed in bathing suits and underwear. The incision is made from hip to hip and an incision inside the belly button. All stitching for this surgery are done underneath the skin.  There are no visible sutures on the outside of the skin.

What is a diastasis rectus?

This is a separation of the abdominal muscle.  These muscles can separate during pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss or aging.  These muscles do not come back together unless they are surgically brought back together.

Can a hernia be fixed at the time of a tummy tuck?

The answer is yes, a hernia can absolutely be fixed at the same time!

How long does a tummy tuck take in the operating room?

An abdominplasty or tummy tuck can take anywhere from 2-3 hours and sometimes less.  This variance in times depends on the patient and their body type.

What does recovery look like after a tummy tuck?

Patients typically need approximately 2-3 weeks to recover following a tummy tuck.  A compression garment (think Spanx® or binder) is worn for approximately 6 weeks following surgery to decrease the amount of swelling after a tummy tuck.

How do I know if a tummy tuck is right for me?

Call today to schedule your consultation with Nashville’s Best Nip and Tuck surgeon, Dr. Chad Robbins.  Your time spent with Dr. Robbins and his staff will include walking each patient through the steps of recovery, a detailed explanation of the surgery and education for family and patient.  Dr. Chad Robbins’ honest and natural approach to a tummy tuck has rated him Nashville’s Best Nip and Tuck surgeon. 

Let Dr. Chad Robbins and the staff at Robbins Plastic Surgery give you the confidence to put that bikini on this summer!

CALL TODAY to schedule a consultation 615-237-5552
CALL TODAY 615-237-5552
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